A new range of homemade cheesy starters, pastas and dessert available across all 9 Pici locations from 1-31 May

Get ready, cheese aficionados! Pici’s much-loved ‘Chasing Cheese’ series is back this May, bringing a cheesy feast to all nine Pici locations across Hong Kong. From 1st to 31st May, indulge in a limited-time menu that celebrates the rich flavours of traditional Italian cheeses.

Kick off with the Baked Tomino (HKD130), a vegetarian delight featuring creamy tomino cheese, aromatic basil and garlic, caramelised onions, and crispy bread chips. This appetiser showcases the smooth, earthy flavours of Tomino cheese.
Next, savour two pasta masterpieces.
The Ravioli Fagottelli al Parmigiano (HKD210) is a tribute to 24-month aged Parmigiano Reggiano, with each bite releasing a burst of rich, nutty essence, balanced with a delicate leek filling and topped with crispy baked parmesan chips.

The Tagliatelle 4 Formaggi (HKD170) is a cheese lover’s dream, featuring Gorgonzola, Parmesan, Ricotta Salata, and Pecorino, enhanced with Parma ham and fresh asparagus.
End the cheesy feast on a sweet note with the Burrata Cheesecake (HKD85), a unique dessert that combines the creamy freshness of Burrata with a rich dark chocolate tart and Nutella.

‘Chasing Cheese is available at all Pici locations, including Shatin and Lai Chi Kok, and is featured in the set dinner menu. Whether you’re a cheese enthusiast or a novice, join us at Pici this May to experience these creatively crafted dishes. For more information, please visit Pici’s website. Come, join the chase and experience the cheesy goodness for yourself!
芝士控注意:Pici 的「尋覓芝味 2.0」系列將於五月回歸
於 5 月 1 日至 31 日期間在全港 9 家 Pici 餐廳供應
今個 5 月,Pici 將再次推出備受歡迎的「尋覓芝味 2.0」系列,為您準備一場回味無窮的芝士盛宴。由 5 月 1 日至 5 月 31 日,Pici 全港九間分店將推出限時菜單,包括一道前菜、兩道手工意粉和一道甜點,每道菜均以意大利傳統濃香芝士為主題。
系列以一道素食前菜-香草焗流心芝士(HKD130)開始,羅勒和大蒜的芳香配上口感細膩順滑的半軟硬芝士(Tomino Cheese),加入焦糖洋蔥再配上香脆的麵包片,令人食指大動。這道菜充分帶出芝士的香濃柔滑和獨特的大地芳香,是一道簡單美味的開胃菜。
意粉方面, Pici 推出了兩款「芝」味濃郁的手工意大利麵。熱溶巴馬臣芝士韭蔥意大利雲吞(HKD210)選用經過 24 個月陳釀的特級巴馬臣芝士,每一口都能品嚐到芝士濃郁的堅果香氣,與清新的韭蔥餡料達到完美平衡,並配上烤巴馬臣芝士脆片增加層次。四重芝士巴馬火腿扁麵(HKD70)極富誘惑力。意大利戈貢佐拉藍芝士(Gorgonzola)帶有辛辣與蘑菇的獨特風味,巴馬臣芝士(Parmesan)增添了味道層次,綿羊奶芝士(Ricotta Salata)則提供鹹脆的口感,羅馬芝士(Pecorino)以其突出的鹽味及濃厚羊奶風味豐富了整體口感。配搭巴馬火腿片和新鮮蘆筍,為這道菜營造出複雜而豐富的味道。
「尋覓芝味 2.0」系列在所有 Pici 分店均同步供應,而位於沙田和荔枝角的 Pici 分店特別將其納入晚餐套餐中供應。
今個五月,蒞臨 Pici 盡情品嚐這些期間限定美食。快來加入「尋覓芝味」的行列,親身體驗令人垂涎三尺的「芝」味配搭!如需了解更多資料,請到訪 https://pici.hk/