Pasta Run Health & Safety

Precautionary measures related to COVID-19 to be taken by PIRATA GROUP in accordance with recent legal races in Hong Kong

1. All participants must be COVID-19 vaccinated with proof of vaccination record.

2. All participants should provide a negative RAT test result within 48 hours of the start of the race.

3. Each runner will be tested for body temperature. Only those with body temperature lower than 37ºC are allowed to race.

4. Face masks must be worn at all times leading up to the start of the race. Face masks must be put back on after crossing the finish line.

5. Face masks must be worn for the first 100 meters after the start and only then are the runners allowed to remove the face masks and put them in their own mask holders.

6. Each runner will be queuing in distance of 1.5m wide and length between each other before the start. Runners will start in a batch of 50 and leave the start every 10 minute ( e.g. 8:30 am – Wave 1 | Wave 2 9:30am) (The 60 minute interval can be adjusted if needed. The intention is for runners to spread out quickly on course and not gather at the start area)

7. Participants must stay 1.5 meters away with others at all times, except during the running time of the race.

8. Garbage, empty energy bars, empty wrappers, etc must be stored in the pockets of the runners’ packs or waist belts.

9. All officials, guests and volunteers must wear face masks at all times.

10. All participants, officials, guests and volunteers will be reminded to perform hand hygiene. Hand sanitizers will be provided at Pici.

11. Any officials who will be in close contacts with runners, such as any counters or checkpoints, will be provided with extra gears (e.g. face shield, gloves, etc).

12. No water replenish station will be available during the race. Each runner must provide water for themselves. Sealed bottle water will be distributed at the finish line after the race.

13. No luggage check-in allowed.

14. We will keep a list of participant / officials / guests and volunteers with their contact information to facilitate possible contact tracing.


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